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International School of Crystallography - Erice

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Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture
President: Professor Antonino Zichichi


Director: Giovanna Scapin, PhD

Director Emeritus: Sir Tom Blundell, FRS FMedSci

60th Course:

Electron Crystallography

Erice 30 May - 7 June 2025

61st Course:

Quantum Crystallography

Erice 30 May - 7 June 2025

60th Course:

Electron Crystallography

Erice 30 May - 7 June 2025

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Directors of the course:

A. Eggeman

A. Eggeman

University of Manchester, UK


M. Gemmi

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Pisa, IT


Unfortunately, there is an increasing number of fraudulent websites and email promotions claiming to offer registration and accommodation services. Please be advised that payment for your attendance can only be processed with the information available within your personal myErice area. Importantly, your accommodation is covered by your participation fee and is handled directly by the organisers. The School organisers have no conventions with any hotels and are in no way responsible for arrangements that you make autonomously.

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In recent years, electron crystallography has undergone a tremendous development from a niche technique to an established method of structure analysis standing in line with x-ray and neutron crystallography. The technique continuously gains in popularity, covering new applications and developing new methodologies, thus requiring new experts with very specialized interdisciplinary knowledge of electron scattering and crystallography.
Consequently, the primary focus of the school is to provide comprehensive education on the workflow of the 3D ED/MicroED technique, covering various aspects of data collection, processing, and structure analysis. Students will acquire hands-on experience in structure analysis using electron diffraction data, thereby gaining a broad perspective on adjacent experimental and theoretical methods. With a diverse range of examples, we will explore all materials classes, including inorganic, organic and macromolecules. Additionally, we will demonstrate approaches for addressing unconventional structural problems.
A pivotal topic of the school will be the physics of electron scattering, including its implications for structure analysis, such as dynamical refinement. A central part of the program will be fundamental crystallographic education including the modern crystallographic methods of structure analysis and relevant software, which will be covered explicitly in dedicated lectures and tutorials.
In addition to teaching state-of-the-art crystallographic structure analysis with electrons, the program will explore emerging topics in electron scattering that may shape the future of structural science. The scope extends beyond 3DED to cover future trends such as 4D-STEM, ptychographic methods, structural dynamics and the analysis of disordered and amorphous structures with electrons.
Additionally, the school will benefit from the synergy with the Quantum Crystallography School running in parallel, with several lectures shared between the two schools. This will offer a unique opportunity to explore interdisciplinary applications of crystallography in quantum science and structural research.


Crismat CNRS, Caen, FR

Institute of Physics of the Czech AS, Prague, CZ

University of Melbourne, AU

Istituto di Cristallografia CNR, Bari, IT

Istituto di Cristallografia CNR, Bari, IT

University of Southampton, UK

University of Warsaw, PL

University of Manchester, UK

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Pisa, IT

Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C) Forschungszentrum, Jülich, DE

Wien University, AT

Antwerpen University, BE

Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, FR

University of Lille, FR

University of Mainz/Technical University of Darmstadt, DE

Rosalind Franklin Institute, Oxfordshire, UK

University of Copenhagen, DK

University of Toronto, CA

Institute of Physic Czech A S, Prague, CZ

Durham University, UK

Hamburg University, DE

Simap CNRS, Grenoble, FR

University of Stockholm, SE

Stockholm University, SE

61st Course:

Quantum Crystallography

Erice 30 May - 7 June 2025

Directors of the course:

J. Contreras

J. Contreras

Sorbonne University, FR

P. Dominiak

P. Dominiak

University of Warsaw, PL

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Unfortunately, there is an increasing number of fraudulent websites and email promotions claiming to offer registration and accommodation services. Please be advised that payment for your attendance can only be processed with the information available within your personal myErice area. Importantly, your accommodation is covered by your participation fee and is handled directly by the organisers. The School organisers have no conventions with any hotels and are in no way responsible for arrangements that you make autonomously.

Please be aware of possible scams


Quantum crystallography (QCr) is a rapidly developing field that combines theory with experiment to understand the fundamental behavior of matter at the atomic and molecular levels. It offers the determination of molecular or crystalline structure with a quality exceeding that obtained by traditional methods of X-ray or electron crystallography. By enriching structural information with a wealth of electronic and bonding information, QCr significantly contributes to rational drug design and engineering of new materials.
During this school, we will provide an accessible and in-depth education in quantum mechanics and related semi-empirical methods, tailored to provide a solid foundation in understanding materials structure, physicochemical properties, and the response of materials to physical changes and experimental probes. The theoretical foundations of crystallographic experiments will be briefly recalled, and the methodology of data collection and analysis for quantum crystallography methods will be presented and trained in detail. Speakers at this school will go beyond just theoretical calculations, to demonstrate the deep interplay between theory and experiment: for example, by showing how experimental observations could be used to restrain or constrain first-principles calculations or otherwise showing how calculations could improve the interpretation of an experimental result.
In keeping with this overall aim, the synergy between theoretical and experimental areas will be highlighted to provide a holistic view of the different fields in Quantum Crystallography. This area of knowledge is going through an important boost in the last years, thanks to new coupled approaches and new communities getting in touch with each other. This school will bring together students from these two communities, feeding this new area of knowledge and letting interdisciplinary grow among the students.
Workshops will provide hands-on tutorials on the use and development of software related to the topics, including the development of required input data, and using case studies.
Additionally, the school will benefit from the synergy with the Electron Crystallography School running in parallel, with several lectures shared between the two schools. This will offer a unique opportunity to explore interdisciplinary applications of crystallography in quantum science and structural research.


University of Turin, IT

University of Lorraine, FR

Sorbonne University, FR

University of Southampton, UK

University of Warsaw, PL

University of Manchester, UK

Politecnico di Milano, IT

CentraleSupelec, FR

University of Bern, CH

University of Warsaw, PL

Aarhus University, DK

University of Western Australia, AU

University of Lorraine, FR

RWTH Aachen University, DE

Charles University, Prague, CZ

Aarhus University, DK

Georg-August- University, Göttingen, DE

Politecnico di Milano, IT

University of Copenhagen, DK

University of Toronto, CA

Institute of Physic Czech A S, Prague, CZ

University of Oviedo, ES

Durham University, UK

MPI, Hamburg, DE

Durham University, UK

Lund University, SE

Hamburg University, DE

Previous Schools

2024 • 59th Course
Powder Diffraction: Advancing Real Materials in the Information Era
Directors: Dave Billing · Matteo Leoni · Dubravka Sisak Jung

2023 • 58th Course
Structural Drug Design
Directors: Giovanna Scapin · Charlotte Deane · Frank von Delft

2022 • 57th Course
Diffuse scattering: the crystallography of dynamics, defects, and disorder
Directors: Nozomi Ando · Andrew Goodwin

2022 • 56th Course
Crystallography under extreme conditions, the future is bright and very compressed
Directors: Shanti Deemyad · Kamil F. Dziubek · Helen Maynard-Casely

Future Schools

2026 • 62nd Course
Structural Biology

2027 • 63rd Course
Diffuse Scattering

2028 • 64th Course

2029 • 65th Course
Drug Design

Alexander Eggeman

eggeman Alex Eggeman studied for his undergrdaute degree and his doctorate at the University of Oxford. After this he had postdoctoral positions at Carnegie Mellon university and the University of Cambridge before being awarded a Royal Society Univeristy Research Fellowship. He is now Senior lecturer in Materials Characterisation at the University of Manchester. Alex has previously been involved with the European Crystallography association and the American Microscopy Society and currently is treasurer of the Electron Microscopy and Analysis group of the UK Institute of Physics.
Throughout his career Alex has explored the possibilities of using advanced electron diffraction and electron microscopy techniques for the study of materials crystal structure and microstructure. He worked extensively on the use of precession electron diffraction to mitigate the effects of dynamical scattering and also studied thermal diffuse electron scattering. Later he developed data-science approaches to analysis of scanning electron diffraction data. He has worked across diverse materials systems from worm-silk to multiferroic oxides to aerospace alloys.

Mauro Gemmi

gemmi Mauro Gemmi is a physicist. He has got his PhD in physics from Bologna university with a thesis on "Crystal structure analysis by electron diffraction: strategies and applications" in 2000. Since 2001 he has worked in several electron microscopy labs in Europe (Stockholm University, Milan University, Institut Néel Grenoble) becoming one of the maximum experts in the application of electron diffraction to structure solution problems. Since the end of 2010 he has been responsible of the TEM laboratory of the Center of Nanotechnology Innovation@NEST a center of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) network in Pisa Italy. From august 2015 to august 2021 he has been coordinator of the center. He is now principal investigator of the Electron Crystallography research line of III at the Center for Materials Interfaces in Pontedera, Italy. He was among the first scientists to extensively use precession electron diffraction for solving crystal structures and is now leading a TEM laboratory which is a reference center for 3D electron diffraction. His main research goal has always been to apply electron diffraction to structural problems in any field of crystallography. At the moment he is developing low dose 3D ED methods to investigate beam sensitive materials like organics and hybrid crystals. His scientific dream is to see electron diffractometers entering every crystallographic lab. From 2015 to 2018 he has been chairman of the SIG04 on Electron Crystallography of the European Crystallographic Association. He is member of the Italian Crystallography Association (AIC) and of the Mineralogical Society of America and he is chair of the Electron Crystallography Commission of the IUCr.

Tatiana Gorelik

gorelik Tatiana Gorelik earned her Master of Science in Chemistry in 1996 from Novosibirsk State University, Russia, and completed her PhD in 2002 at Jena University, both with a focus on transmission electron microscopy of diverse materials systems.
Throughout her career, Tatiana has maintained a dedicated focus on electron microscopy, which with the time has deviated to electron crystallography. During her time in Mainz, she played a pivotal role in the development of the Automated Diffraction Tomography (ADT) method, marking a significant milestone in 3D electron diffraction techniques. She has also been a pioneer in the field of ab-initio structure analysis of organic materials using 3D electron diffraction data. Presently, her research is centred on the structural analysis of new drugs using advanced electron diffraction techniques.
Tatiana is an active member of the European crystallographic community, where she organizes international schools and workshops on electron crystallography throughout Europe. Currently she is a chair of the special interest group for Electron Crystallography (SIG4) of ECA, a member of the Commission on Electron Crystallography of IUCr, and a founding member and a chair of ELECTRA e.V. – association for the advancement of electron crystallography.

Julia Contreras

contreras I did my PhD in Universidad de Oviedo (Spain) and then moved as a Fulbright-RLK fellow at Duke University under the advisory of W. Yang and D. Beratan. During this time I was initially invested in a project for the analysis of the Chemical Universe, which led to two publications, one of them in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Once under my own funding, I returned to the Chemical bond analysis. We introduced a new index, NCI (Non Covalent Interactions) which enables visualization of non covalent interactions, which was also published in J. Am. Chem. Soc (over 2000 citations). I also wrote the program to analyze this index, NCIPLOT. The associated paper was published in 2011 in JCTC and was among the top 10 most read JCTC papers this year. It has received over 1000 citations and more than 8000 downloads.
Funded by the Ministry of Spain for one year, I moved to France, to the Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique (LCT), where some months later I earned a CNRS position. In 2015 I defended my HdR. Since 2018 I am team leader of one of the most historical research lines of the LCT, Chemical Interpretation. Last year, I was finalist for the Dirac medal (2nd place) by the WATOC committee. I am part of the European High Pressure Committee and I have received the European High Pressure Award (2013). In 2015 I was elected member of the European Committee of High Pressure, and since 2018 I became the Secretary.
During these years I have published 97 articles and 10 book chapters. Among these publications, it is worth mentioning 3 JACS, 1 Phys Rev Lett, 1 WIREs, 1 Chem Comm, 1 Chem Sci and 5 Chem Eur J. I also wrote two JCTC papers which entered the 10-most-read of their year of publication. I am in the process of publishing a full book along with A. M. Pendás on Quantum Topology for Springer TCCM series. I have also received an invitation for WIREs in 2020.
I have received 43 invited talks. Those include 1 plenary at the ICQC (2021) as well as 1 keynote at the IUCr (2020) and 3 invitations to WATOC (2014,2017,2020), one to a Solvay workshop and 1 to a Gordon Conferences.
From expertise point of view, I have been the president of the the FWO Chemistry fellowships panel. I have also been part of national panels in Spain, Portugal and Mexico. I have worked as a reviewer for numerous chemistry and physics journals (ACS Catalysis, Chemical Science, JCTC, PCCP, etc.). I was editor of the special Issue on "Understanding structure and reactivity from topology and beyond" in CTC, which lead to me being appointed part of the editorial board of CTC.
I have also been involved in the creation of scientific associations (European Committee of Chemical Bonding, Women Under High Pressure). I have also been very initiatives of women in science. I have created the online database “Women under High Pressure”. This has led to several public conferences and interventions in Conferences and the development of a permanent set of rules to promote women participation in IUCr conferences.

Paulina Dominiak

dominiak Paulina Dominiak completed her Master in Science with honors in Chemistry (2000) and Biology (2001) at the University of Warsaw. She received her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry in 2005, with honors, from the University of Warsaw. Her supervisor was Prof. Krzysztof Wozniak. Her thesis was dedicated to weak interactions in organic and protein crystals studied with X-ray crystallography, including experimental charge density analysis. During her studies she visited twice NASA Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, in the US, to work with dr Ewa Ciszak. She did her postdoctoral research under prof. Philip Coppens supervision, at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, in the US. She spent there two years (2005-2006), working firstly on time-resolved crystallography and then in the charge density field, developing a data bank of atomic electron densities, later on, called the University at Buffalo Databank (UBDB). In 2007 she moved back to the University of Warsaw, Chemistry Department, where she got an Assistant Professor position. Here she was further developing the UBDB and working on its applications to X-ray crystallography and structural biology. For that work, she received a habilitation degree in Chemical Sciences in 2013. In 2017 she got the permanent Associate Professor position and three years later, in 2020 she received the Professor title and Full Professor position.
Paulina is leading the Electron Density Modelling Group at the Biological and Chemical Research Center of the University of Warsaw. Her research is focused on quantum crystallography. Her group is developing new electron density modeling methods applicable to X-ray and electron crystallography, structural chemistry, and molecular biology. Her group is developing the MATTS data bank (successor of UBDB) to be used in TAAM refinements and evaluation of electrostatic properties and interaction energies in molecular crystals and protein-ligand complexes. Currently, she concentrates on the introduction of more accurate electron scattering factors to electron crystallography.
Paulina published more than 80 original research papers with an H-index of 28 and >2400 citations. In 2020 she was elected the chair of the IUCr Commission on Quantum Crystallography. She is also elected member of the Committee on Crystallography, Polish Academy of Sciences and one of the co-editors of Acta Cryst. A.