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Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture
President: Professor Antonino Zichichi


Director: Giovanna Scapin, PhD

Director Emeritus: Sir Tom Blundell, FRS FMedSci

Electron Crystallography logo

Preliminary Programme


Direct and reciprocal space, structure factor
Alexander Eggeman
University of Manchester, UK

Nano 3D ED
Philippe Boullay
Crismat CNRS, Caen, France

Indexing and integration of 3D ED data
Petr Brazda
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Single particle Analysis / 4D STEM
Hamish Brown
University of Melbourne, Australia

Solving the phase problem - direct methods
Benedetta Carrozzini
Istituto di Cristallografia CNR Bari, Italy

Global optimisation methods – simulated annealing & Co.
Corrado Cuocci
Istituto di Cristallografia CNR Bari, Italy

Crystal structure prediction
Graeme Day
University of Southampton, UK

Diverse approximations for atomic scattering factors
Tamir Gonen

Electron pair distribution function analysis / 3D ED on disordered structures and 2D crystals
Tatiana Gorelik
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany

Kinematical refinement of electron diffraction data
Tim Gruene
Wien University, Austria

In-situ 3D ED
Joke Hadermann
Antwerpen University, Belgium

Molecular replacement with electron diffraction data
Dominique Housset
Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, France

Electron scattering – elastic, inelastic, kinematical and dynamical
Damien Jacob
University of Lille, France

Instrumental approaches to 3D ED data collection
Ute Kolb
University of Mainz / Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

Ptycographic methods
Emanuela Liberti
Rosalind Franklin Institute, Oxfordshire, UK

Dynamics of crystals in the context of quantum crystallography, introduction to diffuse scattering
Anders Madsen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Prospects of time resolved crystallography
Dwayne Miller
University of Toronto, Canada

• Hybrid iterative methods – SUPERFLIP & Co.
• Dynamical refinement / Charge density analysis in 3D ED

Lukas Palatinus
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Olex2 tutorial
Horst Puschmann
Durham University, UK

Machine learning in crystallography
Mariana Rossi
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany

AI in crystallography, AlphaFold
Andrea Thorn
Hamburg University, Germany

Crystallographic phase mapping
Muriel Veron
Simap CNRS, Grenoble, France

Assessment of the 3D ED data quality
Hongyi Xu
University of Stockholm, Sweden

Serial electron diffraction
Xiaodong Zou
Stockholm University, Sweden