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Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture
President: Professor Antonino Zichichi


Director: Sir Tom Blundell, FRS FMedSci

55th Course:


Erice 28 May - 5 June 2021

New ONLINE dates: 31st May - 4th June

Preliminary Programme

IR and Raman spectroscopy of solid state forms
A.P. AYALA, Universidade Federal do Ceará, BR

In-situ analysis of phase transitions / Guest-ion recognition
L.J. BARBOUR, Stellenbosch University, ZA

Introduction and historical perspective
D. BRAGA, Università di Bologna, IT

Hydrates and solvates
D.E. BRAUN, Universität Innsbruck, AT

Multicomponent crystals / SS-NMR spectroscopy
M.R. CHIEROTTI, Università degli studi di Torino, IT

Photo-crystallography / Optoelectronic and non linear optics
J.M. COLE, University of Cambridge, UK

Computationals methods in crystal engineering
G.M. DAY, University of Southampton, UK

Crystal forms in industries / Organic semiconductors
P. ERK, BASF, Ludwigshafen, DE

Crystal nucleation and growth / Solid state in thin films
Y.H. GEERTS, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE

Thermodynamics of polymorphs
U. J GRIESSER, Universität Innsbruck, AT

Single crystal XRD / Mechanical properties of molecular crystals
B. KAHR, New York University, NY, US

Crystal morphology and size engineering
T. LEYSSENS, Université Catholique de Louvain, BE

Molecular solid solutions
M.R. LUSI, Univeristy of Limerick, IE

Crystal forms in crystal engineering
L. MAINI, Università di Bologna, IT

Solid state in thin film
R. RESEL, Technische Universität Graz, AT

Polymorph screening in industry
S. REUTZEL-EDENS, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, US

Powder XRD: phase analysis and structure determination

Thermodynamics of salts and cocrystals
N. RODRIGUEZ-HORNEDO, University of Michigan, MI, US

Organic nanocrystals
B. RYBTCHINSKI, Weizmann Institute of Science, IL

M.U. SCHMIDT, Universität Frankfurt, DE

Supramolecular interactions / Crystals as intellectual property
J.W. STEED, Durham University, UK

Electron microscopy and diffraction
A. STEWART, University of Limerick, IE

Thermal analysis / Amorphous phases
L.S. TAYLOR, Purdue University, IN, US

31st May 2021
Please, check the updated programme

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