Images of fruit cakes where the support is made of "Pasta frolla" ( = short or basic crust pastry),
prepared as instructed under the recipe Pasticcio "Ferrara" modified by Lodovico; it is then covered
- after having cooked it in the oven - with a layer of well flavoured ( thin lemon skin grated + vanillin)
custard cream,
and then with fruit to your liking.
At the bottom samples of a traditional framed pastry tart with sour black cherries jam

(date of the two photos with Lodovico showing: 1978 and 1992). Then an exceptional "double tart".

These two were prepared for a party at home, year 1999; the top one is a sponge, wettened with juice
obtained from a can of sour black cherries, layered with intermittent layers of custard cream,
and covered with the cream plus a helix of sour black cherries. Two fruit tarts follow, prepared for summer parties 2002 and 2003:

and later, celebrating the 70th anniversary

Now the traditional tart 1978, Cardiff and 1992, Kingston:

When I visited my friends Carlito and Els Scheltema in Naarden, 1986, at the question "which tart do you prefer?"
(after describing the two showed above), Carlito answered "Both !!!!" Therefore I had to try my best (see below)

preparing and then cooking: